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Today we are midway through August and if this winter is feeling freezing and never-ending, can you imagine what it feels like trying to keep 150 little ones warm in the early morning!

Yesterday we found out first-hand how they cope with crippling cold at our ECDs, as we spent time with one of our Women Warriors, Yolisa Gqinana of Nomonde Pre-School in Langa. The kids huddle around a few heaters until the morning oats is cooked then it’s the hot bowl of food, they warm their hands on and fill tummies with, that does the trick!

From the minute we arrived at Nomonde armed with books and toys made by everyone on Mandela Day, Yolisa’s mission was clear: to nurture these young lives, ensuring they feel safe, cared for, and loved. Each child that passes through the gates becomes her responsibility, and she is determined to give them the best start in life.

When we asked Yolisa how she copes despite all the challenges she said: “It’s passion and love for the children that makes me continue my work— minimising child abuse and neglect during the day.

Donations like yours are helpful to make the child grow healthy and learn by playing every day. The children are enjoying their own books and blocks. – some of them are crayoning and crying, refusing to go to sleep as it is time to rest!.”

Ensuring that children are well-cared for at home is a significant challenge as apparently many families in the community struggle to provide basic necessities. Yolisa visits these homes, talks to parents, and works with community leaders to ensure that the children have what they need to learn and grow. Yolisa knows that if a child is hungry, scared, or neglected at home, they cannot thrive at school. It’s a delicate balance, but she is relentless in her efforts.

Photo: Yolisa, the principal of Nomonde Preschool, enjoys a special moment singing at the Women Warriors Luncheon, where she was pampered by the Estée Lauder team and shared joy and laughter with her fellow Women Warriors

In discussion with Yolisa around the importance of supporting women-led initiatives and embodying the spirit or women’s month: “The education in young children is a difficult one to change, with different attitudes and looking at his or her aggressive behaviour.  When people are funding a project we must be transparent so they can see how we are using their donations. 

We trust that by sharing weekly stories from our beneficiaries, you realise the impact YOU are making every single day.  By donating, volunteering, funding or simply sharing our news – you are a making a difference.  THANK YOU

As women, working together as a team is an everyday exercise, we organise the pre-school and enjoy tea together.”

With abundant blessings,
Danny and the team at Ladles of love ❤️

PS:  We are in the midst of preparing for our Johannesburg Women Warriors Wellness Workshop and Luncheon on 5 September, so if you’re interested in getting involved, please reach out to Jane on events@ladlesoflove.org.za

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