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As time marches on we reflect on the events that shaped our history and resulted in national holidays. It is the 20,000 brave women marching on the Union Buildings on 9 August 1956 to protest the inhumane pass laws that provide a beacon of hope to our women to this day.

The tragedy is, that if only we could say the lives of community women in South Africa have changed dramatically, but 68 years later they are still marginalised and battle against so many social injustices that it is heartbreaking.

As an organisation and supporters of social justice, we need to understand the challenges facing women and being infield this week, we visited one of our Women Warriors, Andiswa Ncamiso who owns Little Conquerors, an Early Childhood Development Centre in Joe Slovo.

In conversation, Andiswa explained: “The women in my community struggle to find stable jobs, and those available often pay low wages making it difficult to cover basic needs such as food, education for their children, and healthcare. Some women face domestic violence, stemming from their dependence on men for food and shelter.

This situation can lead to mental health issues and affect a woman’s ability to provide emotional support to her children. These problems cause unsafe environments at home for the children, which forces some of them to leave home and make poor choices to survive.

It is a complex situation yet many of our women manage to support each other by exchanging services. The unemployed take care of the children of those employed in exchange for food and others bake, sew or grow and sell vegetables as street vendors.”

Hearing Andiswa we see the need to empower and uplift women holistically. These women share the desire to see their community improve and for all children to have access having access to quality education from early childhood through to higher education, enough nutritious food, clean water, and a safe, secure environment free from violence and abuse.

We too see that with your support we are making a huge difference by supporting our Women Warriors with training and the provision of consistent nutritious food. More than enough for all their small learners, teachers, and carers – plus any neighbourhood little ones hanging around the ECDs in desperate need of a bowl of food.

To all our women – donors, volunteers, corporate funders, and colleagues – we see you, salute you and wish you a Happy Women’s Day.

With gratitude and appreciation,
Danny and the Ladles of Love Team ♥️

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