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This week we bring you good news from Gauteng where the sun is shining, and temperatures are soaring! We love good positive stories, especially when they are a net result of action taken by a collective of people, aiming to make a difference.

Well, thanks to and all of you who participated in Mandela Day in one way or another – Ladles of Love Gauteng has managed to on-board eight new Early Childhood Development Pre-schools and … more children will benefit from our Nourish Our Children programme.  This means nationally we are now supporting 126 Pre-schools and 5950 small children plus all their teachers and carers.

Being in-field this week and vetting our new beneficiaries, we’re reminded of how similar the challenges are facing our poorest communities’ country wide. This is particularly true when it comes to concerns relating to vulnerable small children and their wellbeing.

Ladles of Love Gauteng’s, Phindi Nkosi was speaking to Patricia Hondile, the Principal at Lwazi’s Little Light House Pre-school in Orlando, Soweto who says: “My challenges at my centre is that most of children are not paying school fees, because their parents are not working since Covid they retrenched them. Most of them are living in shacks, and when it comes to month-end they use their grant money to pay for rent. Others don’t have clothes, so I buy some things for them at Pep Store.  My goal is to stimulate and educate these children and it makes me happy to see them in a safe and secure place”.

Photo: Patricia Hondile, principal at Lwazi’s Little Light House Pre-school in Orlando, Soweto, shares the challenges of nurturing young minds in a community striving for a brighter future.

Patricia started her creche mainly because she always witnessed little children loitering around and playing in the streets without supervision or a place to go. She says the children arrive at school hungry and was ecstatic to hear that Ladles of Love will be providing enough food to feed all her children and teachers every day and that we are including oats too. Now, the kids can have a full tummy to start their day!!

We reap what we sow – and it’s thanks to all of you, our donors and sponsors, that we can reap such an impactful, happy and meaningful outcome. Your support has made a significant difference, allowing us to expand our footprint and help more little ones be the best they can be.

You can imagine it’s imperative that we sustain our programme, as there is no greater gift to a child in need, than healthy meals to support their growth and education.  If you are not already, could you consider becoming a monthly giver by sponsoring a child at R250 per month by clicking the button below.

Every day is Mandela Day at Ladles of Love – No doubt Madiba is smiling down from above!

With abundant blessings,
Danny and the team at Ladles of love ❤️

PS:  We are in the midst of preparing for our Johannesburg Women Warriors Wellness Workshop and Luncheon on 5 September and we welcome any donations to support the hosting costs.

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