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As autumn turns to winter, there is something invigorating about a change in season. It’s a mind shift that sees us looking for growth opportunities or yearning to either cocoon or do something different.  Maybe break out of our comfort zones.

This week we are doing just that and embracing our new look ‘Love Letter’ and what better reason, than a change in season!  Change isn’t always easy but in this case, when it relates to growth – it is cause for joy, hope and celebration.

We are seeing the fruits of the seasonal seeds sown as with your support, our programmes have taken on a life of their own and under the helm of Yolanda Jones, they have their own stories to tell…

Every Thursday you will receive our Love Letter with short punchy anecdotes, and should you choose to read more, a whole world of opportunities will  await.

We will have recipes to encourage you to make delicious meals with farm fresh veggies or crafting ideas to knit and create something special to keep a child warm this winter.  Our tips on decluttering will not only give you space but allow you to pay-forward essential items you don’t need, to someone less fortunate who would love them!

If you’re in the corporate world and able to do more with more resources, there will be plenty of ways to get involved.  We have Mandela Day on 18th July, a World Food Golf Day at Metropolitan Golf Club on Friday, 29th September and our annual Sarmiethon on World Sandwich Day, 3 November.

Furthermore, we have endless team build opportunities, tailored event sponsorship packages and most importantly, our CSI grant writing team are on standby to complete applications to apply for funding for our programmes.

It is through our collective efforts that we can be change makers and let’s use winter to seed and sow the new beginnings and let this be a season of hope for all.

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