There is tremendous power that is unleashed when you serve someone. That power is not just for the person you’re serving, but it’s also for you. When we serve, we look outside of ourself, beyond our own problems, and seek to bring value to others.
When we create value for others, walk with them in times of need, and assist them in finding resources to meet their needs, we ourselves are better off as well.
In an ever-changing world with ever-increasing challenges, emotional traumas rising, physical health declining, mental instability, we need each other more and more.
How often have you walked by someone who asked for a rand towards a meal to eat, or asked you for something to eat. How often did you think about everyone who told you that giving them money hurts more than it helps, that people on the street have a choice and you’re not responsible for them.
In a world with limitless access to choices, we often find ourselves too overwhelmed to make a choice, especially in moments like these (or we’re afraid of doing the wrong thing) and we choose to make no choice at all. Our fear of doing the wrong thing stops us from doing anything, which precludes us from serving anyone at all.
Serving others is often inconvenient. It pushes you to act sacrificially. When we offer our help, we’re opening ourselves up to a world of needs, not just the ones that are convenient or fit nicely into the time we’ve allotted to help. It requires us to drop our own agendas, and it may cause us to serve in ways that stretch us beyond simply where we see ourselves “gifted.”
When we see the need around us, and we listen to the plight of our children, it can often be incredibly discouraging. We all have a natural proclivity to want to either fix everything or create distance from what we can’t fix. But when we seek to serve others unconditionally, doing what we can, as best we can, we can take comfort in knowing we are rarely the whole solution, that we may be one small part of a much grander plan.
We know full well that we are not the whole solution, we cannot do this without our Love Activists who diligently offer their time in service to others. Our work is colossal, our task mammoth, our capacity limited, but when each of us bring what little we can contribute to the grander plan, our impact can be immeasurable.
As our Founder, Danny, once said to me, “What keeps me going in times when it all feels so overwhelming pointless, I tell myself – I would rather do something, than complain and do nothing.”
Sign up to serve with us through volunteering. Partner with us by making a donation. Let’s create lasting impact, together.