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One thing for sure, we are living in interesting times. You barely need to watch a movie, as the news is enough to ignite every emotion imaginable. Most of the time, while you watch you’re shaking your head thinking this is not possible until it dawns on you, that it is.

We realise how profound our President Nelson Mandela’s words were, when in in July 2007 he said: “It is in your hands to create a better world for all who live in it, especially the poor, vulnerable and marginalised.”  Never has Madiba’s message rung truer than now.

International Nelson Mandela Day on Thursday 18 July is a reminder to us all to act.  Being a bystander is no longer an option. This is why at Ladles of Love we advocate ‘Love Activism’, where we are conscious of our speak and behaviour, understanding our impact. We embrace non-violence and look out for the vulnerable in our communities, especially the children and elderly. We use our influence for good by walking our talk, being kindhearted, and rolling up our sleeves to help drive social change wherever and however we can.

Albert Einstein once said: “Try not become a man of success, but rather a man of value”.  What a very different world we would live in if values mattered more, and kindness was the currency of choice.  Our mantra at Ladles has always been – many acts of kindness make for one huge impact of love.  

As Father’s Day draws near, we think of Tata Madiba and celebrate all the men in our country who use their power for good, who lead by example and are doing whatever they can to create a better world for their families, employees and to uplift people in impoverished communities.

This year Father’s Day and Youth Day are on Sunday 16th June – what a powerful time to engage in change and shift the narrative to ‘It is in our hands.”

We feel incredibly blessed that so many of our supporters like YOU, are Love Activists making a difference.  Would you be open to helping us by advocating our Mandela Day events and encouraging people and companies to buy tickets to volunteer at our amazing Mandela Day events?
With gratitude and appreciation,
Danny & The Ladles of Love Team ♥️

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